The growth gallery

of Human Embryo Brain

        Modeling the human embryo brain with HyperFun modeling language. Models are generated from a 2D central skeletons sketched by hand, shown on the most left images. The complete skeletons generated automatically consist of triangular patches as shown in middle images. Both, the HyperFun file formats and the final images are generated with the POVRay raytracing program. POVRay source of each respective model consists of macros that saves the output in the HyperFun format which is then used in raytracer again for rendering. The HyperFun files can be visualized separately using a Hyper Fun visualizer.
     To download POVRay files use this icon and for hyperfun files use   . To see the models in VRML format use .

Age: 28 days          Length:  3-5 mm

Stage 1: central skeleton

Stage 1: skeleton

Stage 1: convolution surface


Age: 32 days          Length:  5 mm

Stage 2: central skeleton

Stage 2: skeleton

Stage 2: convolution surface

Age: 36 days          Length:  9 mm

Stage 3: central skeleton

Stage 3: skeleton

Stage 3: convolution surface


Age: 42 days          Length:  11 mm

Stage 3: central skeleton

Stage 3: skeleton

Stage 3: convolution surface


Age: 49 days          Length:  15 mm

Stage 3: central skeleton

Stage 3: skeleton

Stage 3: convolution surface


Age: 56 days          Length: 27 mm

Stage 3: central skeleton

Stage 3: skeleton

Stage 3: convolution surface


Roman Durikovic, Silvester Czanner, Software Department, Computer Graphics Laboratory
The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu,Fukushima, 96 880 JAPAN
(c) 2000